Teaching &
public speaking
When I was little, my mom used to call me “maestra ciruela” (“mrs. know-it-all”) because I always liked to mentor and teach. This is a part of my practice that I deeply enjoy and want to keep cultivating.
Teaching and public speaking
When I was little, my mom used to call me “maestra ciruela” (“mrs. know-it-all”) because I always liked to mentor and teach. This is a part of my practice that I deeply enjoy and want to keep cultivating.

In 2020, I started mentoring students on DesignLab, a renowed and award-winning international UX Bootcamp. Mentoring others has allowed me to relearn and rethink my experiences as a designer as well as hone my skills for leadership and coaching, which I’d like to keep nurturing in the coming years.

What students say about me
I’m forever grateful for the amazing people I got to meet through mentoring. They have teach me more than what I could ever teach them.

Other experiences
These are other teaching and public speaking opportunities that I’ve been fortunate to have. Alone and with some of my best colleagues.
University of Buenos Aires / 2019
Guest facilitator
I was an assitant guest facilitator in one of the Design Methodologies classes. The students belong to the university’s preliminar year in which they go through two semesters of preparation for the Design and Architecture degrees. Our role consisted on explaining and guiding a group of 20 students through the basics of user-centered design and prototype validation.

ADA – Software development school for women / 2019
Guest teacher
I was invited to guive a lecture on UX and Human-centered design to a cohort of Backend Software Development students. The class consisted in theory and practice. After an introduction to the basics of Design History, Human-centered Design and UX, I crafted an introductory exercise for the students to experience user research, prototyping and validation.

Vaio + Forbes “Apostar a más” Talks for Entrepreneurs / 2019
Guest speaker
I was invited to an event called “Apostar a Más”, developed by Vaio and sponsored by Forbes. The event was aimed to female entrepreneurs in Argentina with the objective of providing them tools to improve and enhance their businesses. I gave a talk about how User Research methodologies could be adapted and implemented to small and medium businesses.

Chicas en Tecnología – NGO / 2019
Online class tutor
Along with my then UX Lead, Mariana Minafro, we created an online class for girls between the ages of 13 and 21 about the value of empathy in defining problems and designing solutions from a human-centered design approach. The class was shared in the Chicas en Tecnología MOOC platform. Chicas en Tecnología is an Argentine NGO that is dedicated to closing the gender gap in STEM.

Universidad Maimónides – UX Challenge / 2019
Speaker and mentor
In 2019, Maimónides University conducted the first hackathon-type student competition of User Experience Design in Argentina. I was invited to give a lecture on Good Practices for Usability Testing in Digital Products and to mentor the teams during the sprints. It was a very rewarding experience that allowed me to not only share with the students but also with many colleagues from all of Argentina’s biggest UX design teams.

UADE – Universidad Argentina de la empresa / 2019
Guest teacher
I was lucky to be invited back to my alma mater, UADE to give a lecture on how the Human-Centered Design process could be applied to the design of Wayfindings Systems. The class was the Final Project Class for the B.A. in Graphic Design. After the lecture, I was invited to stay and give feedback on the students’ thesis projects.